This is a continuation of a series of blog entries on this topic. The series starts here : Real User Measurements (RUM) The other way to obtain client-side Page Load time measurements – and one that is becoming increasingly popular – is a tool that measures page load time from inside the browser. The web browser-based performance tools we have looked at like ChromeSpeed or the corresponding Network tab in the Internet Explorer Developer Tools measure page load time from inside the web client. But, as we saw, those performance tools function like YSlow, requiring you to have direct (or remote) access to the web client. Real User Measurements refer to measurements of how long it took to access your web site acquired from inside the web browser running on your customers’ machines and operated directly by them. Those are the real users whose experience with our web sites we want to capture and ...
A blog devoted to Windows performance, application responsiveness and scalability, software performance engineering (SPE), and related topics in computer performance.