This blog post describes the Scenario instrumentation library, a simple but useful tool for generating response time measurements from inside a Windows application. The Scenario instrumentation library uses QPC() and QTCT(), the Windows APIs discussed in an earlier blog entry , to gather elapsed times and CPU times between two explicit application-designated code markers. The application response time measurements are then written as ETW events that you can readily gather and analyze. You can download a copy of the Scenario instrumentation library here at . The Scenario class library was originally conceived as a .NET Framework-flavored version of the Application Response Measurement (ARM) standard , which was accepted and sponsored by the Open Group. The idea behind ARM was that adding application response time measurements to an application in a standardized way would promote 3rd party tool development. Thi...
A blog devoted to Windows performance, application responsiveness and scalability, software performance engineering (SPE), and related topics in computer performance.